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Breath of Life: A Series of Self Treatments

Originally Published: 1897

by The Gestefeld Publishing Company, New York

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1. For the Morning

2. For the Evening

3. For High Noon

4. When there is Sense of Injury

5. When there is Fear of Accident

6. When there is Fear of Heredity

7. When there is Fear of Death

8. When there is Fear of Failure in Business

9. When there is Dread of the Future

10. when there is Proneness to Anger

11. When there is Tendency to Self-Depreciation

12. When there is Lack of Confidence and Trust

13. When there is Difficulty in Letting Go of the Past

14. When there is the Sense named "Insomnia"

15. When there is Dissatisfaction with Environment

16. When there is Need for Patience

17.When the Sense of Sight Diminishes with Advancing Age

18. When one begins to See the Necessity of a Higher than Natural Affection

19. When there is Desire to Lose Fondness for Money



The night of sense-consciousness is past, and I wake to the spiritual day—the eternal Now. In the light of God I see my self anew. The shadows of the night are gone, and I am free from suffering, disease, and death. I am filled now with health, strength, and joy unspeakable. There is no room in me for any unlikeness to the Infinite One, for that One vibrates in every part of my being from least to greatest, and fills me with pulsating, invigorating, deathless life. I rise from the passivity of the night to the activity of the day, in which I work the works of Him that sent me. I wash away the last remnants of clinging mortality from before my vision, and I see only the Son of God. I cleanse my body from the impurity of false thought, and open every pore to the inflowing Divine Energy and Infinite Love, whose offspring I am. I feel within me their uplifting power. I clothe myself with garments of light, woven in the loom of life by the ministering angels who show me His will. They are with me now, they never leave me, and I will not forsake them. I put from me all desire which could make me unworthy to wear the robe of righteousness, and their hands shall bear me above all temptation. I descend the stairs which lead from the upper chamber of recognition of my God-Likeness to the lower room of experience, where I must manifest that relation to the world. I eat the food which is the bread from on high, that certain and sure supply which is mine as the child of God. I draw from the great storehouse that which I need in my work of the day. I feed upon the Word, the true Thought. I assimilate it, I embody it, it works in me and through me, and naught can oppose or conquer it. It is being made flesh, it is being made my flesh, and in my flesh I shall see God. In my flesh I shall manifest God. There is nothing to fear, for Love is in all, through all, and over all. I give myself this day to my fellow-men for any and all service that shall show them their true selves. In me and in them is no evil, no misery, no crime. I see only the divine which is awaiting the Word to come forth, and this divine

I call forth by the power of the Word. This Word is my word, and my every breath is a benediction—a message of good-will toward all men—for the Love which is God speaks in my word. The Father and I are in unity, and through me He comes to His own. Awakened, cleansed, clothed, and fed, I stand in the Now, and I know the Forever. I stand upon the Infinite, I look upon the finite, I feel the eternal, I breathe in the Absolute. I am that I am. With me is the everlasting Peace.

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