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Success Nuggets

Originally Published: 1906

Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Publishers. New York

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>> More by Orison Swett Marden


1. Does Education Pay?

2. No Chance!

3. To Take the Drudgery Out of Your Occupation

4. Where They Lost Their Luck

5. Where Happiness Is Found

6. Why He Was Not Promoted

7. There Never Will Be ANy Chance For--

8. Why He Did Not Win Out

9. If You Would Be Popular

10. Why They Are Poor

11. Where Are The Good Chances To-Day?

12. Why the Salesman Did Not Succeed

13. If You Are Well-Bred

14. What System Will Do

15. It Is A Disgrace

16. Epitaphs in the Cemetery of Failure

17. Why He Never Got Above a Little Picayune Business

18. Why He Found Life Dissapointing

17. Why He Never Got Above a Little Picayune Business

18. Why He Found Life Dissapointing

19. How They Lost Their Home

20. Why His Marriage Was A Failure

21. If You Would Be Very, Very Popular

22. You Own It To Your Mother

23. A Dissapointing Husband

24. What The World Wants

25. Quit

26. Don't Wait For Your Opporunity--Make It

27. When Is Success A Failure?

28. Signs of Deterioration of Character

29. Don't Marry The Man

30. Don't Marry The Girl

31. He Succeeded in Business But Failed As A Man Because

32. Does A Vacation Pay?

33. Would You Carry Youth Into Age?

34. What Message Does Your Success Bring?

35. The Time Will Come


Does it pay to learn to make life a glory instead of a grind?

Does it pay to open a little wider the door of a narrow life?

Does it pay to add power to the lens of the microscope or telescope?

Does it pay to push one's horizon farther out, in order to get a wider outlook, a clearer vision?

Does it pay for an acorn to become an oak?

Does it pay for a chrysalis to unfold into a butterfly?

Does it pay to taste the exhilaration of feeling one's powers unfold?

Does it pay for a rosebud to open its petals and fling out its beauty to the world?

Does it pay to know how to take the dy, dreary deudgery out of life?

Does it pay to escape being a rich ignoramous?

Does it pay to fit oneself for a superior position?

Does it pay to get a glimpse of the joy of living?

Does it pay to learn how to focus thought with power, how to marshal one's mental force effectively?

Does it pay to acquire power to get out of life high and noble pleasures which wealth can not purchase?

Does it pay to acquire a character-wealth, a soul-property, which no disaster or misfortune cann wreck or ruin?

Does it pay to make life-long friendships with b right, ambitious young people, many of whom will occupy high places later on?

Does it pay to become familiar with all the lesson that history and science can teach as to how to make life healthy and successful?

Does it pay to become an enlightened citizen, able to see through the sphistries of political claptrap and vote intelligently on public matters?

Does it pay to change a bar of rough pig iron into hairsprings for watches, thus increasing its worth to more than fifty times the value of its weight in gold?

Does it pay to experience the joy of self discovery, to open up whole continents of psosibilities in one's nature which might otherwise remain undiscovered?

Does it pay the sculptor to call out from the rough block the statue that sleeps in the marble, so that it may tell the story of heroism and greatness to unborn generations?

Does it pay to have one's mentality stirred by the passion for expansion, to feel the tonic of growth, the indescribable satisfaction which comes from the consciousness of perpetual enlargement?

Does it pay to have expert advice and training, to have high ideals held up to one in the most critical years of life?

Does it pay to have four years filled with the most delightful associations with cultured people, at an age when ambitions and high ideals have not been dulled or shattered by dissapointment, or the unbounded faith in human nature shocked by violated pledges?

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