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 [New Thought Authors] [Quotes]

Quotes by Masaharu Taniguchi

New Thought Author Masaharu Taniguchi

(22 November 1893 - 17 June 1985)

“We must know that whatever the unhappiness, it does not exist unless we recall it or speak about it” - Masaharu Taniguchi

“Love is forever indestructible. Why? Because it is something that has come fromGod. "Facilities of love," such as buildings, etc. will one day rot away and be otherwise destroyed; however, the love you have expressed will remain in the world of eternity without being destroyed ever” - Masaharu Taniguchi 365 Golden Keys to a Completely Free Life (1971)

“You must not think of your wealth in terms of the quantity of material things oramount of money in your possession. Real wealth is measured by the size of yourlove or how extensive it is and also by how extensively your love can be applied in daily life"- Masaharu Taniguchi 365 Golden Keys to a Completely Free Life (1971)

“The greatest difficulty with humanity is that people sit and bemoan their fate. They tell you and the rest of the world how terribly they are treated. The more they do that the more they impress the subconsciouss mind , which we have learned is completely unreasoning, and will reproduce whatever it's told. And so they get a little more sickness, a little more trouble, a little more heartbreak. And if they are religiously inclined, they say, "It is God's will...

It is a wise thing to bless the money you spend, and to know it will com back to you multiplied." -Masaharu Taniguchi (Lectures Lectures 5-8)

“It is a wise thing to bless the money you spend, and to know it will com back to you multiplied. " -Masaharu Taniguchi (Lectures 5-8)

“Fear is the father of every ailment that has ever or will ever exist. Early danger signals erupt in the guise of selfishness, envy, hatred, and criticism. They can be uprooted if you cath them in time, and every time they spring up." -Masaharu Taniguchi (Lectures 9-12)

“The subconscious is the part of the mind with which we are mostly at grips. The subconscious, while it produces our good for us, also produces all of our problems. Nothing, absolutely nothing, has ever happened to you or to me or to any other human being in this world, except that we have consciously or unconsciously brought it to pass, be it good or bad. There is no sense blaming the other fellow for things that happen to you. He has nothign to do with it. He was merely an intrument, brought to you by the Law which you set in motion, --the Law that governs the subconscious mind. - Masaharu Taniguchi How To Find Your Real Self (1952)


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