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Divine Science - New Light Upon Old Truths, To All Who Seek More Light

Originally Published: 1896

Denver, Colorodo: Barkhausen & Lester, Printers

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The Bible Teachings About Healing

Part 1 - A Beginners Course

Lesson I. Answers to Some Objections

Lesson II. Revelation

Lesson III. God

Lesson IV. God and Man

Lesson V. The Work of Thought

Lesson VI. Our Judgement Day

Lesson VII. Prayer

Lesson VIII. Unfoldment

Lesson IX. Health

Lesson X. A Month's Daily Lessons

Divine Science Statement of Being


Summery of Science Teachings



As the lessons in this book are designed to be studies upon the Science, or right knowledge of Divinity, the subject is taken from its starting point in the Divine, and step by step is it developed from the Source and Cause of all things. Therefore each study makes that which follows it plain, and it is decidedly important that the lessons be read, or studied rather, in their order. To one who has never had opportunity to study this truly Divine Science, we would suggest that they may find, by careful thought, a complete understanding of the principle and practice of the Science of Life, in these lessons.

So we advise such, to lay aside questions at first; read each lesson to gain clearly the point considered in it; let all else alone. Read one lesson each day, or even on alternate days; reread often, until the subject of it is understood, before studying the next. By so doing, with- out a teacher, the knowledge of the Science may be gained, and its practice understood.

Words of Jesus the christ are growing in significance-or, are coming to us with deeper meaning to-day than in any age before this. One minister has said, "The Bible means more to us than it did to our parents; it will mean more to our children than it does to us. " Another said, "The sunday school children of to-day are better able to understand Jesus' teachings than were the disciples of old."
Jesus said to his disciples, "I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now"; which plainly shows us that Jesus was limited in his speaking of the Truth, by the dulness of his hearers. He coul dgive to the disciples only what they were able to "bear," or to receive. He sometimes rebuked their lack of understanding.--Matt. 15:16; Mark 8:21
From His words quotes, and those which followed--"Howbeit, when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you into all Truth"--we may conclude that Jesus had a reserve of Truth, which he would gladly have expressed, but that it could bot be understood even by the disciples; and that he knew and foretold in these words how the revelation of fuller Truth would continue for the Spirit throughout the ages to come, until " all Truth" had been received and understood. This certainly contradicts our past ignorant belief, that all revelation ceased with the " good old times" ; and that the " voice from heaven " has long been silent it can speak to us no more ! Is revelation finished ? The Truth will never cease to speak within our souls, while there is anything of God not comprehended. " Take heed how ye hear." Luke 8:18. "There is nothing covered that shall not be re- vealed. " Matt. 10:26. Revelation cannot be finished until every mystery is made plain: revelation is not therefore limited to any time or place; and whenever or wherever there is the spirit to receive and be taught, fuller and higher Truth is being made known. One says, " Revelation is unveiling; but the veil is on the face of man and not on the face of God. " The "veil*' is a fitting symbol of our own ignorance; with every new revelation of Truth the " veil " grows thinner. " Which veil is done away in Christ. " 2 Cor. 3:14-16. Christ is " The way, the truth and the life. " As fast as we are able to be led in the " Way, " and to " bear, " or carry in our hearts the " Truth, " and to " hear, " or understand the so-called " mysteries " of " Life, " just so surely is the " veil, " or lack of understanding, being " done away. " " Clouds and darkness are round about Him," is David's conception of God, and with Jeremiah we have been willing to say, " Thou hast covered thyself with a cloud, that our prayer should not pass through. " Lam. 3:44. But we may rejoice in the increasing light, which now reveals that around God are no impenetrable clouds ! As well might we say on a cloudy day, "The sun has wrapped himself in clouds and darkness. " The clouds that hide the sun from us, and shut out the warmth and brightness of its presence, are around our earth, and arise from the earth. These intercept the light of the sun, so that it does not reach us, but the sun shines on and on unaltered by the clouds around us. So the clouds of darkness, fear, sorrow or doubt that seem to come into our lives, are around us, and not near the source of Light and Love. Neither do they come from the source of Love, but arise from our own incompleteness, or incomplete understanding. As long as we see "clouds" about us, there is need of further revelation, or unveiling. As long as we have the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Wisdom, Truth and Love with us, we shall still be taught of God, and shall go on hearing Truth more and more clearly. New things shall be revealed must be while the Spirit continues to lead us into all Truth. Revelation never ceases unless we close our eyes and ears to it...

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