In 1914 the New Thought Alliance was formed and in 1916 it agreed to a set of codes that were central to the ideas of most groups and in 1917 it adopted a “Declaration of Principles”, which was then modified in 1919. These principles were in use until revised in the 1950s and again in January 2000. In 1916, the International New Thought Alliance also agreed upon this purpose statement: To teach the Infinitude of the Supreme One; the Divinity of Man and his Infinite Possibilities through the creative power of constructive thinking and obedience to the voice of the indwelling Presence which is our source of Inspiration, Power, Health and Prosperity. The Declaration of Principles of the New Thought movement, as they were presented by the New Thought Alliance in 2000 are as follows:
1. We affirm God as Mind, Infinite Being, Spirit, Ultimate Reality. 2. We affirm that God, the Good, is supreme, universal, and everlasting. 3. We affirm the unity of God and humanity, in that the divine nature dwells within and expresses through each of us, by means of our acceptance of it, as health, supply, wisdom, love, life, truth, power, beauty, and peace. 4. We affirm the power of prayer and the capacity of each person to have mystical experience with God, and to enjoy the grace of God. 5. We affirm the freedom of all persons as to beliefs, and we honor the diversity of humanity by being open and affirming of all persons, affirming the dignity of human beings as founded on the presence of God within them, and, therefore, the principle of democracy. 6. We affirm that we are all spiritual beings, dwelling in a spiritual universe that is governed by spiritual law, and that in alignment with spiritual law, we can heal, prosper, and harmonize. 7. We affirm that our mental states are carried forward into manifestation and become our experience in daily living. 8. We affirm the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven here and now. 9. We affirm expression of the highest spiritual principle in loving one another unconditionally, promoting the highest good for all, teaching and healing one another, ministering to one another, and living together in peace, in accordance with the teachings of Jesus and other enlightened teachers. 10. We affirm our evolving awareness of the nature of reality and our willingness to refine our beliefs accordingly.
The two most commonly held and fundamental beliefs in New Thought are: (1) the Divine is in all things and (2) the mind is much more real and powerful than matter. According to The Metaphysical Club of Boston--one of the first distinct New Thought organizations founded in 1895--the purpose of New Thought is: to promote an interest in and the practice of a true philosophy of life and happiness; to show that through right thinking, one's loftiest ideals may be brought into present realization; and to advance intelligent and systematic treatment of disease by spiritual and mental methods.
The New Thought Unity Church describes its basic teachings as follows: God is the source and creator of all. There is no other enduring power. God is good and present everywhere. We are spiritual beings, created in God’s image. The spirit of God lives within each person; therefore, all people are inherently good. We create our life experiences through our way of thinking. There is power in affirmative prayer, which we believe increases our connection to God. Knowledge of these spiritual principles is not enough. We must live them.
The New Thought Church of Divine Science adheres to this "Statement of Being": God is all, both visible and invisible. One Presence, One Mind, One Power is all. This One that is all is perfect life, perfect love, and perfect substance. I am the individualized expression of God and ever one with this perfect life, perfect love, and perfect substance.
New Thought beliefs in general are based in a variety of religious and philosophical sources, including Plantonism (with its emphasis on the realm of thoughts and ideas), Swedenborgianism (biblical interpretation based on the view that the material realm has spiritual casues and divine purposes), Hegelianism (a philosophy identifying the nervous organism as the meeting ground between the body and the mind); spiritual teachings of Eastern religions like Hinduism, and especially the Transendentalism of the 19th Century. A majority of the New Thought groups mainly indentify themselves with Christianity. The Unity movement describes itself as "Positive, Practical Christianity" and teaches "the effective daily application of the principles of Truth taught and exeplified by Jesus Christ."
Both Unity and Divine Science affirm the divinity of Jesus, but also the divinity that is within all human beings.
In New Thought, sin is often regarded as "separation from God, or the Good, in consciousness (Unity).
Sin is often regarded as a "separation from God, the Good, in consciousness" (Unity). Salvation is considered the expanding understanding of one's innate divinity in Christ, and through living the life demonstrated by Jesus; overcoming of physicial and spiritual sickness and negative behavior.
Heaven and Hell are often thought of as states of consciousness (or, hell also being a state of separation from God's Love, Light and Will).
In many New Thought groups, meditation and prayer is also considered one of the foundational practices for helping oneself and others.
About New Thought About New Thought philosophy and the origins of the New Thought Movement.