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 [New Thought Authors] [Quotes]

Quotes by Annie Rix Militz

New Thought Author Annie Rix Militz

(1856 - 1924)

"Thought is mind in motion, and every activity upon this earth began as a secret thought." --Annie Rix Militz

“The body of appearance reflects like a mirror the dominant throughts you have held in mind. If you have held that you are ignorant and dull, or that you are subject to materiality and prone to evil, or that you are impure in your origin and in your living, these thoughts are reflected in like pictures upon this body of appearance.” -- Annie Rix Militz Renewal Of The Body (1913)

“The simple utterance of 'Thy will be donein earth as it is in heaven' continued faithfully from day to day will cleanse us from every unheavenly thought, and bring forward that One in us who is the everlasting habitant of the divine regions.” --Annie Rix Militz, The Sermon On The Mount (1904)

“Your powers of believing are exercised in three ways: by thinking, by speaking, by doing. Thought is the causative power, words and deeds are the fruit of your thinking. Keep the thoughts upon believing in the Good, and your words and deeds will conform to your thoughts.” --Annie Rix Militz, All Things Are Possible To Them That Belive, thou Shalt Decree(1905)

“Thought is mind in motion, and every activity upon this earth began as a secret thought." -- Annie Rix Militz Prosperity Through the Knowledge and Power of Mind (1913)

“Make channels for the streams of Love,
Where they may broadly run;
And Love has overflowing streams,
To fill them every one.

For we must share, if we would keep
That blessing from above.
Ceasing to give, we cease to have,
Such is the law of Love.”

-- Annie Rix Militz Prosperity Through the Knowledge and Power of Mind (1933)


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