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 [New Thought Authors] [Quotes]

Quotes by Emma Curtis Hopkins

New Thought Author Emma Curtis Hopkins


“If you can redden your face with a thought, you can straighten your crooked bones with a thought” - -Emma Curtis Hopkins

“The mind is like a delicate instrument which a breath of air will affect, unless we know how to use and control it.” --Emma Curtis Hopkins, Spiritual Law In The Natural World (1884)

“It is one of the first teachings of metaphysics that all environments, circumstances, conditions, all the people who come near us, and everything else, existed first as ideas in our own mind and now appear in plain sight to be known and read plainly.” --Emma Curtis Hopkins, Bible interpretations (1891)

“I AM a tower whose radiance is the inspiration to pen itself in its divinity in every shape and name through infinity. I think this—I speak this —I write this—I live this.” --Emma Curtis Hopkins, The Radiant I AM (1900)


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