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 [New Thought Authors] [Quotes]

Quotes by Florence Scovel Shinn

New Thought Author Florence Scovel Shinn

(1871 - 1940)

“Change your thoughts, and in the twinkling of an eye, all your conditions change.
Your world is a world of crystallized ideas, crystallized words.” --Florence Scovel Shinn,

“We have all a bank we can draw upon, the Bank of the Imagination.” --Florence Scovel Shinn, The Secret Door To Success (1941)

“Man should watch himself hourly to detect if his motive for action is fear or faith. "Choose ye this day whom we shall serve," fear or faith. ” --Florence Scovel Shinn, The Game Of Life And How To Play It (1925)

“The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.” --Florence Scovel Shinn,

“If man loses anything it shows there is a belief of loss in his subconscious mind. As he erases this false belief, the article, or its equivalent will appear on the external.” --Florence Scovel Shinn, Your Word is Your Wand (1928)

“With the realization of wealth, we receive the gift of wealth. With the realization of success, we receive the gift of success, for success and abundance are states of mind.” --Florence Scovel Shinn, The Secret Door To Success (1941)

“Intuition is a spiritual faculty and does not explain, but simply points the way.” --Florence Scovel Shinn,

“ fear and worry are deadly sins. The are inverted faith, and through distorted mental pictures, bring to pass the thing he fears.” --Florence Scovel Shinn, The Game Of Life And How To Play It (1925)

“There is a supply for every demand, from Chinese cabinets to millions of dollars.” --Florence Scovel Shinn, Your Word is Your Wand (1928)


Books By Florence Scovel Shinn

About Harriet Emilie Shinn

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