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 [New Thought Authors] [Quotes]

Quotes by Franklin W. Sears

New Thought Author Franklin Warren Sears

(unknown date of birth/death)

“Everyone visualizes whether he knows it or not. Visualizing is the great secret of success” --Franklin W. Sears

“Even in this day and age there are few who realize that the things they see are but effects. Fewer still who have any idea of the causes by which those effects are brought about. ” --Franklin W. Sears, The Secret of the Ages (1914)

“Everyone visualizes whether he knows it or not. Visualizing is the great secret of success” --Franklin W. Sears

“And it is so in each incarnation, in each life we live, we are making for ourselves opportunities and the conditions surrounding them that we will meet with in the next incarnation.” --Franklin W. Sears, New Thought Lectures (1913)

“A consciousness of abundance and our oneness with it under the Law of Har- mony is man's greatest asset and is an uncancellable insurance policy against poverty, lack and all other limitations.” --Franklin W. Sears, Concentration And Will Power: A Correspondence Course In 12 Lessons (1976)

“Force creates inharmony and some day the world will learn the great lesson that there isn't anything, no matter how valuable it may seem to be nor how much we may desire it, for which it is worth paying the price of one moment of inharmony.” --Franklin W. Sears, Everyday Experiences (1913)


About Franklin W. Sears

Published Writings by Franklin W. Sears

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