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 [New Thought Authors] [Quotes]

Quotes by Harriet Emilie Cady

New Thought Author Harriet Emilie Cady

(1898 - 1981)

“Your greatest work will be done in your own God-appointed channel. If you will let Divine Spirit possess you wholly, if you will will to have the Highest Will done in you, and through you continually, you will be quickly moved by it out of your present narrow limitations, which a half-success always indicates, into a manifestation as much fuller and more perfect and beautiful as is the new grain than the old seed which had to fall into the ground and die.” --Harriet Emilie Cady, Lessons In Truth: A Course of Twelve Lessons In Practical Christianity (1961)

“Old ways must die. Failure is only the death of the old that there may be the hundred-fold following.” --Harriet Emilie Cady, Lessons In Truth: A Course of Twelve Lessons In Practical Christianity (1961)

“The power that is in man is divine. It is all from God, who is omnipotent, but man is given the choice of using or directing this power for either good or evil. The light that is in man is good. It is Christ; but man may elect to use this light for his guidance or for his destruction.” --Harriet Emilie Cady, God, A Present Help (1912)

“Everything undesirable passes away if we refuse absolutely to give it recognition by word, deed, or thought as a reality. This we can the more easily do when we remember that nothing is real except the eternal.” --Harriet Emilie Cady, How I Used Truth (1939)


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About Harriet Emilie Cady

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