"Be still and know God. Trust no authority but the authority of your own heart and mind, which is the heart and mind of God." --Elizabeth Towne
"Three facts are necessary for any or every ex- pression; nothing is accomplished without the Trinity or Rule of Three, the Thinker, the thought and the idea or thing thought about. "--Malinda Elliott Cramer
The author was one of the co-founders of the Divine Science church back in the late 1800's. The text is foundational and covers 23 lessons including being, thought, the effect of thought, law of expression, denial and affirmation, baptism by the spirit, prayer, faith intuition, truth's practice, heal the sick, facts about healing, marriage, overcoming poverty, theological questions among others.
That is, the light of pure intelligence will prove to be the only light, and to be already in the world illumining mentality and visibility. To be healed means realized unity with God. Divine Science knows no authority but self-evident Truth ; hence, its teaching is all sourced in the Statement of Being; and its numerous expressions are all formu- lated to accord with the Law of Expression. The
-- Spiritual Exerience; -- Spiritual Experience in Works; Lesson I Being; Lesson II Thought; Lesson IIIThe Effect of Thought; Lesson IV The Law of Expression; Lesson V The Law of Expression; Lesson VI Denial and Affirmation; Preface to Lesson VII Baptism by the Spirit; Lesson VII Prayer; Lesson VIII Faith; Lesson IX Intuition; Lesson X Truth's Practice; Preface to Lesson XI Expression of Consciousness; Lesson XI The Spoken Word, the Purpose of God; Lesson XII Heal The Sick; Preface to Lesson XIII Facts About Healing; Lesson XIV Special Intructions to Patients; Lesson XV Faith and Belief a Unit; Lesson XVI Marriage; Lesson XVII Marriage; Lesson XVIII Overcoming Poverty; Lesson XiX Immporality; Lesson XX Questions by Beginners; Lesson VXXI Theological Questions; Lesson XXII About Healing; Lesson XXIII Conclusion.
Divine Science knows no authority but self-evident Truth ; hence, its teaching is all sourced in the Statement of Being; and its numerous expressions are all formulated to accord with the Law of Expression. The Statement of Being and Law of Expression distinguishes Divine Science and presents it as equally science and religion, and as demonstrable and applicable. Therefore, they who give Divine Science thorough study will find in it the mental discipline, concentration, change of habits and the building of character essential to the demonstration and embodiment of freedom ; it will bring out their ability to teach and heal. With this discipline they will be thoroughly prepared to finish the full college course by simply taking the theological and normal instruction which prepares for the Christ Ministry of Divine Science, to preach the glad tidings of peace on earth and healing for the nations.
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