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<< New Thought Authors >> Joseph Murphy

The Miracles of Your Mind   (1953)

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"Your desire is your prayer. Picture the fulfillment of your desire now and feel its reality and you will experience the joy of the answered"--Joseph Murphy

In this work Dr. Joseph Murphy expands on his theory that the latent powers inherent in our subconscious can improve our lives. He discusses the two minds that each of us possess; the objective mind and the subjective mind, and how to integrate them. He also explains how to harness of the power of mind, especially the subconscious min. Dr. Murphy provides specific steps to nourish your conscious mind with the tools and attitudes that will open up the infinite power of your subconscious mind. Whether you wish to conquer a bad habit, be more successful, obtain harmony in your family, or achieve goals that have thus far been unattainable, you will be given guidelines to put you on the right path. Joseph Murphy (1898-1981), the founder of The Church of Divine Science, produced books, tapes, and radio broadcasts on spiritual matters, the historical values of life, the art of wholesome living, and the teachings of great philosophers-both from the Eastern and Western cultures.

Chapter 1. How Your Own Mind Works; Chapter 2. The Subconscious Mind And Health; Chapter 3. The Subconscious Mind and Alcoholism; Chapter 4. The Subconscious Mind and Wealth; Chapter 5. How To Apply the Subconscious Mind to Marital Problems; Chapter 6. The Subconscious Mind and Guidance; Chapter 7. Overcoming Fear Through the Subconscious Mind.

M AN HAS ONLY ONE MIND , but he has two distinct phases or func- tions of the one mind. Each phase is characterized by its own phenomena which is peculiar to itself. Each of these minds is capable of independent action, as well as synchronous action. We call one the objective mind, because it deals with external things, and the other is the subjective mind. The subjective mind is amen-able, and controlled by suggestion of the objective or conscious mind...

When fear knocks at your door, when doubt, worry, and anxiety cross your mind, behold your vision. Trust it, believe in it, and an Almighty Power will be generated by your subconscious giving you full confidence and strength. Keep on keeping on "until the day breaks and the shadows flee away"...

Keyword Catagories: Self-Realization | Creativity | Personal Achievement | Spiritual Laws

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<< New Thought Authors >> Joseph Murphy

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