“There is a genius in every man and woman, waiting to be brought forth” -- Wallace D. Wattles
"When awakened, man becomes a son of the Highest and all power is given to him in heaven and on earth." -- W.D. Wattles
The core of The Science of Being Great is about realizing that in our own way, and at this time in history, each of us has the power to rise above our life curcumstances and limitations and achieve the life we desire. Even those this book was written over 100 years ago, it still inspires people today and the truths ae still solid. Anyone can become what they want by virtue of their own thoughts. The book also explains that wisdom is the essential basis of greatness and that mankind can receive wisdom from God. There are mental exercises in this book which will help you to connect with Source and realize your highest potential.
By the intelligent use and direction of certain principles, we can develop their our mental faculities. We all have an inherant power within us by which we may grow in whatsover direction we please, and there is no limit to the possibilities of growth. Discover how to become a successful leader or achieve and excell in any area of life you choose; improve relationships and become a better friend, spouse, colleague and a great person person; increase wealth and personal prosperity; and learn how to stand up for yourself in all situations, anywhere, anytime, with anyone; overcome your fears, reach your goals and manifest your dreams.
Chapters: 1 You May Become Great; 2. Heredity and Opportunity; 3. The Source of Power; 4. The Mind of Spirit; 5. Concecration; 6. Identification; 7 Idealization; 8. Realization; 9. Hurry And Habit; 10. Thought; 11. Action At Home; 12. Action Abroad; 13 Some Further Explanations; 14. More About Thought; 15. Serving Spirit; 16. A Summery of The Science of Being Great.
THERE is a cosmic intelligence that is in all things and throu gh all things. This is the one real substance. All things emanate from it. It is intelligent substance or mind stuff. IT IS SPIRIT... You can never become a great person until you overcome anxiety, worry, and fear. It's virtually impossible for an anxious, worried, or fearful person to correctly and objectively perceive the truth. All things are distorted and thrown out of their proper relations by such mental states. And if you're in one of these states, you cannot be aligned to spirit... If you simply tell people you are great, you will be held suspect. If you show greatness, in everything you say and do, nobody can doubt your greatness. Be just, generous, courteous, and kind in all your relationships. This is a sign of greatness. Have unwavering belief in your own perceptions of truth. Never act in haste or hurry and be deliberate in everything. Look for the true way in everything you say and do. And when you feel you know the true way, be guided by your own belief, even if the rest of the world disagrees ...
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