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The Realm of Reality

Originally Published: 1922

by The Divine Science Publishing Association, New York

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>> More by William John Murray


I. The Unknown God

II. The Second Coming

III. Working and The Law

IV. The Creative Power of the Ideal

V. Self-Discovery Through Truth

VI. Walking By Faith

VII. Is Disease Real, or Apparent?

VIII. Health, and How to Obtain It

IX. Spiritual Medicine

X. Because of Your Unbelief

XI. The Will to Be Well

XII. Mind and Microbes

XIII. A New Beginning

XIV. Demonstrating Prosperity

XV. Inexhaustible Abundance

XVI. The Law of Attraction

XVII. The Law of Vibration

XVIII. Not According To Appearances

XIX. Pictures and Personalities

XX. Doscouragement

XXI. Intuition

XXII. The Nativity and Maturity of Jesus

XXIII. Lost in Transit

XXIV. The Hidden Mystery



"Whom therefore ye ignorantty worship. Him declare I unto you." — Acts 17:23.

WHEN a noted scientist spoke of God as "The Unknowable," either he had never read, or he quite overlooked, the declaration of Jesus that a knowledge of God is an essential necessity. A perception of God is as imperative to the soul as is the knowledge of mathematics in the ordinary affairs of life; for what mathematics is to the regulation of system and order in the outer world, divine metaphysics is to the maintenance of peace and power in the mental realm. When Job's comforters asked of him, "Canst thou by searching find out God ?" "Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perception ?" he answered, "Surely, I would speak to the Almighty, and I desire to reason with God." A less courageous soul would have concluded that the ways of the Inlinite are past finding out and, like the great majority. Job would have contented himself with the belief that "there is a God," and let it go at that.

The commonest attitude of mind is that which admits the reality of God, but which, at the same time, declares Him to be incomprehensible. If God is, God can be known. Only that is unknown and unknowable which does not exist; for it is alone the non-existent which cannot be known. All discovery and all invention are based upon the conviction that "if a North Pole exists, it can be discovered," or, "if a truth exists, it can be understood," It has been said that Nature has no secrets which the bold spirit may not learn. The trouble is not with Nature that she does not more readily impart her infonnation; but it is with Vian that he does not more strenuously wrest it from her. The trouble is not with God, that He does not more frequently make himself known to the children of men; it is that they do not seek after Him with sufficient intensity. How else does man find out anytlung except by searching? "He that seeketh, findeth," whether it be in the kingdom of heaven, in the depths of the earth, or on the other side of the mighty ocean. If men would seek after the Christ Truth as Columbus sought after this continent they would surely find It; for it is not that Truth is undiscoverable, but that they are not sufficiently intrepid and earnest in their search.

For one man who digs a well a million may drink of its waters, but "the water of Life," which is the knowledge of God, is a something which no man can drink for us and quench our thirst. Another's knf^wledge of mathematics avails me litde; I must learn it for myself if I would be proficient. Another's understanding of a foreign language helps me in so far as it enables tne to acquire it also. In like manner it avails me nothing if saints and sages walk and talk with God if I am ignorant of His where- abouts. His character and His law. Something within tells me, as it told Job, that I must "converse with the Almighty."

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