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 [New Thought Authors] [Quotes]

Quotes by Thomas Troward

New Thought Author Thomas Troward


“We can gradually grow into any condition we desire, provided we first make
ourselves in habitual mental attitude the person who corresponds to those conditions.” --Thomas Troward

“We must never lose sight of the reason for the creative power of our thought, that it is because our mind is itself a thought of the Divine Mind, and that consequently our increase in livingness and creative power must be in exact proportion to our perception of our relation to the Parent Mind.” --Thomas Troward, The Dore Lectures On Mental Science (1909)

“Pure spirit is the Life-principle considered apart from the matrix in which it takes relation to time and space in a particular form. In this aspect it is pure intelligence undifferentiated into individuality.” --Thomas Troward, The Edinburgh Lectures On Mental Science (1909)

“The law of floatation was not discovered by contemplating the sinking of things, but by contemplating the floating of things which floated naturally and then intelligently asking why they did so.” --Thomas Troward

“God will provide the food, but he will not cook the dinner.” --Thomas Troward

“Man is in essence a spiritual being, the reflection on the plane of individual personality of that which the All-Originating Spirit is in Itself, and is thus in that reciprocal relation to the Spirit which is Love. Tis is the first statement of creation in Genesis --God saw all the He ha made and behold it was very good, Man included. Then the Fall is the failure of the lower mentality to realize that Gos IS Love, in a word that Love is the only ultimate Motive Power it is possible to conceive, and that the creations of Love cannot be otherwise than good and beautiful. The lower mentality conceives an opposite quality of Evil and thus produces a motive power the opposite of Love, which is Fear; and so Fear is born into the world giving rise to the whole brood of evil, anger, hatred, envy, lies, violence, and the like, and on the external plane giving rise to discordant vibrations which are the root of physical ill. If we analyze our motives we shall find that they are always some mode either of Love or Fear.” --Thomas Troward, The creative process in the individual (1915)

“The secret to enjoying life is to take an interest in it.” --Thomas Troward

“We can gradually grow into any condition we desire, provided we first make ourselves in habitual mental attitude the person who corresponds to those conditions.” --Thomas Troward

“In every case 'the word is the seed.' We may picture this planting of an idea or 'word' in the Cosmic soul as acting very much like the initial impulse that starts as a train of waves in ether, and these thought-waves are reproduced in corresponding forms; or, to recur to the similie of seed, the cosmic soul acts like the soil and gives it nourishment.” --Thomas Troward, The law and the word (1917)

“The subjective mind is entirely under the control of the objective mind. With the utmost fidelity it reproduces and works out to its final consequences what the objective mind impresses upon it.” --Thomas Troward

“For it is the continual outflowing of the exhaustless Spirit of Life in that manifestation of itself which is our own individuality. The notion of dualism is the veil which prevents men [from] seeing this, and causes them to wander blindfolded among the mazes of endless perplexity; but, as St. Paul truly says, when this veil is taken away we shall find outselves changed from glory to glory as by the Lord the Spirit. 'His name shall be called Immanuel,' that is 'God in us,' not a separate being from ourselves. Let us remember that Jesus was condemned by the principle of separation because he himself was the externalisation of the principle of Unity, and that, in adering to the principle of Unity we are adhering to the only possible root of Life, and are maintaining the Truth for which Jesus died.” --Thomas Troward, The Hidden Power, and other papers on mental science. (1921)

“Belief in limitation is the one and only thing that causes limitation.” --Thomas Troward

“We can gradually grow into any condition we desire, provided we first make ourselve sin habitual mental attiude the personw ho corresponds to those conditions.” --Thomas Troward


About Thomas Troward

Published Writings by Thomas Troward

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