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The Law of Attraction - Part 6 - Practical Application

This is part 6 of my 6-part series of articles on the Law of Attraction. Previously we talked about there being a law. We called it the Law of Attraction, we called it faith, we called it the law of Like Begets Like, or Like Attracts Like. Just as a seed will reproduce itself, your thoughts will reproduce themselves and attract the things you think about.

Where do you begin?

So what does that mean? Let's say a person is fairly miserable because their life isn't going so good. They might say to themselves, "Well, that's all fine and dandy but what does that mean to me? What am I supposed to do? How do I make that happen in my life?"

Find out what you want

The first thing you have to do is figure out what you really want. What is it you desire? If you had an Aladdin's lamp and you could rub that lamp and have whatever you want, what would it be? If you had a magic wand, what would you change about yourself? What would you have, what would you do, who would you be? Of course we're talking about staying within the realm of possibility, meaning a leopard shouldn't wish that he had stripes or a zebra shouldn't wish he had spots. It's not going to happen. But within the realm of possibility, what is it that you want?

Spend a day to dream, ponder, pray and think about what your true desires are. Make notes and brainstorm. Go off by yourself and design the life you truly want.

Define it in great detail

If it's a house you want, don't just say I want a house. Figure out where you want to live, what that house is going to look like, how many rooms it has. If it's an amount of money you want to be making then figure out exactly how much money you want to make. If it's a character trait that you want to have then define exactly what that character trait is and what a person who has that character trait would be like.

When you're defining what you want, you want to do more than just write it down or make a brief description. You need to be very detailed and thorough in your description. This is like an architect designing a building or a ship captain charting his course. It can't be vague or general. You are creating a blueprint of your future life.

Review it daily

Once you have this picture of who you want to be, what you want to have and what you want to do, then you can begin. The idea is to review this blueprint every day. Imagine that you are already that person and that you already have these things. What you're doing is spending time focusing on your end result. Let's talk about how to do this.

You need to have a daily session where you spend time by yourself, preferably in a quiet room. Perhaps it's in the morning or maybe it's in the evening. Maybe it's at noon. Find the best time for you to spend time alone where you can review in great detail your future life. Dim the lights, relax, get comfortable, close your eyes and start imagining. See yourself as that person, being that person, having those things and accomplishing what you would like to accomplish. See it, feel it, experience it. Feel the emotion.

If you want to learn to sail, experience yourself in the sailboat, at the rudder, the smell of the salt, the mist of the waves splashing against the boat, the wind in the sails, the rocking of the boat. Be there and experience it. If it's a character trait you desire to have, see yourself possessing that character trait. See yourself acting and behaving as if you were already that person. The idea is to picture and experience in great detail and with great emotion those things that you desire.

Take action

But that's not all. You can't just be wishing and dreaming all the time. You need to be doing things and taking action. You need to arrange your life to be able to receive these desires of your heart. You have to start acting and behaving like that person, like you already have these things.

Final thoughts on the Law of Attraction

This series of articles have explored many aspects of the Law of Attraction. I've really only scratched the surface of this subject but I hope that what I have shared with you has been helpful in seeing the Law of Attraction in a different light.

Wallace D. Wattles said it so well:

"The picture of your desires, held with faith and purpose, is taken up by the Formless, and permeates it to great distances-throughout the universe, for all I know. As this impression spreads, all things are set moving toward its realization; every living thing, every inanimate thing, and the things yet uncreated, are stirred toward bringing into being that which you want. All force begins to be exerted in that direction; all things begin to move toward you. The minds of people, everywhere, are influenced toward doing the things necessary to the fulfilling of your desires; and they work for youComputer Technology Articles, unconsciously."

Look at the world around you. Look at your present circumstances. Look at who you are. Then realize that you have been the creator of it by what you have persistently desired over time through the thoughts and yearnings of your heart. If you don't like what you see then use this great law which says that we can alter our destinies by altering our thoughts.

Thank you.

The Law of Attraction - Part 1 - My Take

Article Reference: Garold N. Larson writes on personal development topics. You can find more information at Keys to Personal Development.

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Related Information and Inspiration

The Law of Attraction and Shared Reality (article)

Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World - William Walker Atkinson (e-book)

New Thought and the Law of Attraction (article)

The Power of Thought - Henry Thomas Hamblin (audiobook)

Thoughts Are Things - Prentice Mulford (audiobook)

The Realm of Reality - William John Murray (e-book)

How to Turn Your Desires and Ideals Into Realities - Brown Landone (e-book)

How to Develop Faith That Heals - Fenwicke Holmes (audiobook)

The Law And The Word- Thomas Troward (audiobook)